Operators and Cyborg Bodies in Czech Avantgarde (1920-1927)

Charvát, Martin. 2002. “Operators and Cyborg Bodies in Czech Avantgarde (1920-1927)”. Conference panel presentation at American Comparative Literature Association conference, Taiwan, CLAROC, National Taiwan Normal University, June 15–19, 2022.

Scoping: Images between Inscriptions and Views – international conference

4 November 2022, 14:00 – 19:00 FAMU in Prague, room U1 (https://goo.gl/maps/KUfWeTxJRtNLrj627) No registration/ticket needed. Jimena Canales has unfortunately had to cancel her participation. The event will start at 14:00 as planned. Opening Remarks – Tomáš Dvořák (FAMU in Prague) Scoping and the Imagination: How Non-Existents Are Brought to Life – Jimena Canales (University of Illinois,… Continue reading Scoping: Images between Inscriptions and Views – international conference

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Extraterrestrial Images

Dvořák, Tomáš. 2021. “Extraterrestrial Images.” in Olga Moskatova (ed.), Images on the Move: Materiality – Networks – Formats. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 257-276.