Extraterrestrial Images

Dvořák, Tomáš. 2021. “Extraterrestrial Images.” in Olga Moskatova (ed.), Images on the Move: Materiality – Networks – Formats. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 257-276.

Beyond Human Measure: Eccentric Metrics in Visual Culture

Dvořák, Tomáš. 2021. “Beyond Human Measure: Eccentric Metrics in Visual Culture”. Pp. 41–60 in Tomáš Dvořák and Jussi Parikka, eds. Photography Off the Scale: Technologies and Theories of the Mass Image. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Introduction: On the Scale, Quantity and Measure of Images

Parikka, Jussi and Tomáš Dvořák. 2021. “Introduction: On the Scale, Quantity and Measure of Images”. Pp. 1–21 in Tomáš Dvořák and Jussi Parikka, eds. Photography Off the Scale: Technologies and Theories of the Mass Image. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Buttonless Cameras and the Machine-made Snapshot Aesthetic

Šimůnek, Michal. 2021. “Buttonless Cameras and the Machine-made Snapshot Aesthetic.” Pp. 128–128 in R. W. Allen, ed. Art Machines 2: International Symposium on Machine Learning and Art 2021 Proceedings. Hong Kong: School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. https://www.cityu.edu.hk/scm/artmachines2/AM2%20Conference%20Proceedings.pdf